
The 2 Ways To Grow Your Ghostwriting Business

Nicolas Cole

If there is one firm belief Dickie and I have about the writing industry, it’s that there has never been a better time in history to be a writer.

The internet has revolutionized the way writers can earn money from their work. One hundred years ago, you either had to have money of your own to make it as a writer you had to enjoy the patronage of a well-off individual who supported your craft. In other words, a large chunk of the population was excluded from “making it” as a writer.

This all changed with the arrival of the internet.

Because anyone with a social media account can earn a living as a writer.

That’s why we’re committed to helping 1 million writers make a living from writing on the internet.

If you want to start stacking cash quickly, then ghostwriting is the path for you (and we have tons of examples from inside our Premium Ghostwriting Academy to prove it). This is why we send these emails to you every week. They are the blueprint you need to start landing high-ticket clients as a ghostwriter.

When it comes to starting and growing a successful ghostwriting business, you have to develop both your writing and your business skills.

There are 2 ways to grow your ghostwriting business:

Option 1: Acquire these skills with your TIME

You can use these emails (and the resources inside Ghostwriters Anonymous, our free Skool group) as your roadmap to landing your first high-ticket client as a ghostwriter:

  • Reposition yourself as a ghostwriter on your own
  • Attempt to do the value-first cold outreach on your own
  • Hop on “free consulting calls” and master sales on your own
  • Start landing clients, and learning “what works” and “what doesn’t” on your own

If you’re a self-starter, and you believe this is the right path for you, then by all means, go for it—and I’m excited to see you unlock life-changing outcomes, and join the ranks of Premium Ghostwriters in the world.

Yet, there will be times when you need support, and not every piece of educational content will answer nuances like this:

  • “What’s the best way to package this offer?”
  • “How often should I follow up with my prospects?”
  • “I want to scale beyond $10k months—what are my options?”
  • “My client hates my work and is asking for a refund! How do I handle this?!”
  • “How do I start ghostwriting Educational Email Courses (and sell them at $5k a pop)?”

And on, and on.

Yes, you will be able to figure it out.

But it will take time and A LOT of trial and error. I know this because I spent years making these mistakes as a ghostwriter—first by myself and then later when I was growing my agency. I made tons of wrong turns and I wish I had a mentor and community to lean on at the time.

So, if you’re looking for extra support and all the cheat codes you need to accelerate your ghostwriting business, this second option is for you.

Option 2: Acquire these skills in a fraction of the time—by INVESTING IN YOURSELF.

You can skip all the trial and error, and accomplish what would take most people years to figure out on their own in a matter of weeks:

  • Enlist the help of a mentor
  • Have someone hold you accountable
  • Join a community of people all doing the same thing
  • Work through a proven curriculum to help you land your first $5k client (and beyond!)

This is what we’ve put together inside of PGA.

The program is designed to help you accelerate your growth curve and reinforce your belief in yourself that, yes, all of this is possible (And to give you a preview, we put together this post to help you understand the amount of opportunity available to ghostwriters right now).

So, if you want direct training on:

  • Sales
  • Pricing
  • Outreach
  • Positioning
  • The Art and Business of Ghostwriting

And if you know you are the type of person who thrives with mentorship, accountability, and community, then we would love to have you join our Premium Ghostwriting Academy. And I would love to be your mentor.

Inside PGA, we don’t just stop when you’ve landed your first client.

Because once you become a Premium Ghostwriter, the sky is the limit.

You can create the life you want to live for yourself:

  • If you want to scale up and build an agency, we have blueprints for that
  • And if you want to scale down and optimize for work-life balance, we have blueprints for that too

The choice is yours.

And, to be honest, I wish so badly someone had laid all this out for me at the start of my journey. It would have given me so much more clarity and it would have helped me reach my goals 10x faster (without wasting thousands of hours on mistakes and dead ends). For example, I would've known the 7 rules to delighting clients (so I turn each new customer into a referral engine).

Ghostwriting changed my life, and it can change yours too.

So which option will you take?

Because there are only 2 ways to grow your ghostwriting business:

1. Acquire your skills with TIME

2. Acquire these skills in a short amount of time by investing in yourself

Choose wisely.

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