
I Lost 70 Pounds & Doubled My Annual Income (While Working A Full-Time Day Job With A Newborn)

Colin Krueger
June 18, 2024

In January 2023, I was headed towards an early grave.

I was:

  • Working 40-45 hours a week as a Customer Success Manager
  • Working 20+ hours a week doing Twitter Ghostwriting for 6-8 clients
  • Working 15+ hours a week creating YouTube & Twitter content in gaming

And in February 2023, I reached the heaviest I’ve ever been…

It was painfully obvious this needed to stop.

Joining Premium Ghostwriting Academy

At that same time, I saw Dickie and Cole announce a new Ghostwriting Intensive program (now called Premium Ghostwriting Academy.

I took a leap of faith in this new, beta program for 3 simple reasons:

  • Reason #1: I’d free 30%+ of my time by charging 5x more money for a fraction of the work and only need 1 or 2 clients.
  • Reason #2: I’d learn exactly how to find, pitch, land, and amaze clients that work with me for months/years, instead of churning and burning clients every month.
  • Reason #3: I’d remove a mountain of stress caused by creating a massive amount of subjective content for half a dozen vastly different clients. Instead, I’d deliver one objective asset for one type of client.

And over a year later, here’s what’s changed:

One Year After Joining Premium Ghostwriting Academy

Absolutely nothing about my life is the same anymore.

There’s 3 monumental unlocks that have happened for me since February 2023:

  • Unlock #1: I’ve lost over 70 pounds! There were two major stressors causing me to overeat and gain weight to cope. First, a lack of extra income to move beyond the sleepless nights of paycheck-to-paycheck at my day job. And more importantly, I could work 4 to 6 hours LESS every day (and even unplug completely on weekends) while earning more income from a side hustle.
  • Unlock #2: I doubled my annual income while only working with 1 client. I’m ahead of track to pay off over $40,000 in student loan debt from a bachelor’s degree that I don’t use. By the end of 2024, my wife and I are projecting to be completely debt-free so we can begin planning to purchase our first home for our growing family.
  • Unlock #3: We had our first child! Fueled by the healthier and happier lifestyle I was living, my wife and I got pregnant! We welcomed our daughter in March 2024 (4 days before my wife’s birthday) and have found a depth of love for each other and our daughter we never knew was possible.

And 2024 isn’t even half over yet!

Why Premium Ghostwriting Academy is a Better Investment Than My $50,000 Bachelor’s Degree

I’ve spent nearly six figures on education.

There’s 4 keys that make Premium Ghostwriting Academy above and beyond the greatest return on investment out of everything I’ve done before:

  • Key #1: Action → You’re never left wondering what you should be doing to progress forward. It’s not fluff like 99% of courses “gurus” peddle. All of the education is what actually has worked in the past and continues to work (proven time and time again by endless amounts of success stories shared within the community).
  • Key #2: Coaching → The Premium Ghostwriting team is made up of an incredible group of people. When you feel stuck, these experts will guide you forward through any roadblock or obstacle you have.  Both individually or in group settings with weekly, focused clinics and hot seats.
  • Key #3: Accountability → The biggest fear I had going into Premium Ghostwriting Academy was that I wasted my money. That never feels like a possibility. There are systems in place to ensure you never fall through the cracks and reach the goal of landing $5,000+ clients.
  • Key #4: Improvement → They constantly iterate and improve. Premium Ghostwriting Academy is 10x more valuable now than when I originally joined. And it only continues to increase in value (while remaining a fraction of the cost it should be priced at).

I continue to reinvest with Dickie and Cole.

I know that every dollar I spend with them goes into a magic box that returns far more money than I put in.

All because of how outstanding every product Dickie and Cole create is.

Ready to kickstart your ghostwriting journey with PGA?

Click here to apply and join the waitlist.

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