
3 Mindset Shifts To Stop Making Excuses And Start Taking Action

Dickie Bush

Do you ever catch yourself saying "Once I ... then I'll get started?"

  • “I’ll start ONCE work calms down.”
  • “I’ll start ONCE I move to a new city.”
  • “I’ll start ONCE my 3-year-old goes to kindergarten.”

We are always coming up with “pragmatic” reasons to delay taking action.

It’s part of human nature. Our minds indulge them because they are a convenient excuse to keep us firmly in our comfort zone—even if our comfort zone is unpleasant. And our brains like to keep us where we’re at because even an unpleasant known is far safer than an unpleasant unknown.

Here’s the thing:

Having a “Once I… then I’ll…” is a huge lie we tell ourselves.

The best-selling author Steven Pressfield sums it up perfectly:

We don't tell ourselves, "I'm never going to write my symphony." Instead we say, "I am going to write my symphony; I'm just going to start tomorrow."

But when “tomorrow” comes around there is always another “Once” to stop you from taking action. The truth is, if you want to make any kind of change in your life (or your ghostwriting business) you have to kill these “Onces.”

And right now, we bet there is a “Once” holding you back from taking the next step in your ghostwriting journey:

  • “I’ll reach out to that client ONCE I have the perfect CRM.”
  • “I’ll create a new service ONCE I’ve watched more YouTube videos on writing.”
  • “I’ll tell my friends and family about my ghostwriting side hustle ONCE I find my first client.”

Sound familiar?

These beliefs are holding back.

Here are 3 mindset shifts to help you kill your “Onces” and start taking action (and exactly what you should do next to kickstart your ghostwriting journey).

Let’s dive in.

Mindset Shift 1: There’s never a perfect time to start anything.

If there’s one brutal lesson we’ve learned over the last 10+ years of our entrepreneurial journey, it’s this:

You will never feel ready to do anything.

  • When Cole started writing Quora, he didn’t feel ready.
  • When Dickie landed his first ghostwriting client, he didn’t feel ready.
  • When we invested $68,000 in a mastermind with 8-figure entrepreneurs, we didn’t feel ready.

At every stage of growth, there will always be a level of uncertainty.

This uncertainty comes from the fear of the unknown. And that fear will never go away, no matter how your circumstances change. So once you realize there will never be a perfect time to start anything, you can just start.

And that’s one of the most freeing ideas you can internalize.

Mindset Shift 2: The cost of inaction is expensive.

Technology has made it easier than ever before to take action.

No code tools and the arrival of AI means it’s not only easy. We can also take action faster than ever before*.*  Never before in the history of the world has the average human had as much access to information and the tools to execute on that knowledge.

With this information and tools at the finger tips, you can:

  • Build an app
  • Write your first book
  • Start an eCommerce store to sell your favorite meme on a t-shirt

Whatever it is, it has never been easier to get started.

Which means if you don’t take any action, you’re going to get left behind. You’re limiting yourself because of these “Onces” you can’t shake off.

Sure, you can be comfortable. Technology means you can get whatever you want fast (whether it be constant stream of entertainment via Netflix, a ride to anywhere with an Uber, or food delivered to your door with Postmates).

But if you’re reading this, we’re willing to bet you want to create something more with your life. And, if you’re delaying getting started then this is costing you. Because it’s never been more expensive to sit around and do nothing.

Want to go deeper on this idea? Check out this video on why doing nothing is expensive:

Mindset Shift 3: There is no “right” path.

One of the reasons you’re using your “Onces” as an excuse is because you’re waiting for the right path to emerge.

  • Once you move to a new neighborhood
  • Once you perfect your morning routine
  • Once you finish a draining project at work

THEN you’ll have the mental headspace able to see which path is correct.

But the truth is, there is no right path. There is no “right” decision. Because it’s impossible to know how all the other paths before you will work out. There’s no second life where you can contrast and compare the outcomes.

So you have to pick SOMETHING.

Because once you pick something, you can start reaping the benefits of mastering a skill (rather than spinning in indecision):

  • You learn skills you can take elsewhere. Sitting around debating dozens of different options guarantees you learn nothing. But if you just pick one and try it, you’ll at least be “directionally correct.” Then, if you end up wanting to switch to something else later, you don’t “lose” those skills. You reapply them elsewhere.
  • What you choose now isn’t forever. So don’t delay thinking you need the “perfect” plan—because we promise the second you start working on it, your plan will crumble. And that’s a good thing! Changing your path means you’re learning and iterating.

These 3 mindset shifts will help you start killing your “Onces.”

So, how do you get started repositioning yourself as a Premium Ghostwriter?

A simple, 5-step process to kickstart your ghostwriting journey today.

Here’s a 5-step process we’d recommend:

  • Step 1: Start Practicing In Public. If you want to write lead generating X threads, write them for yourself. If you want to write Educational Email Courses, create one for yourself. Don’t get too hung up on the service. But be aware of the problem it solves for your potential clients. Again, pick something and iterate from there.
  • Step 2: Find A List of Warm Leads. You have your service. Now you need to find people who will find it useful. Go through your contacts and send messages to 50 people you know who either own a business or know business owners who might need your service. Explain what you do and the outcomes you create for your clients.
  • Step 3: Offer To Do Free Work. Do your first project for free in exchange for a testimonial and/or referral. Getting the reps in is the biggest bottleneck to delivering a Premium Service. Free Work (in the beginning) removes this bottleneck by allowing you to practice.
  • Step 4: Deliver a Premium Service. Make your free client’s life easy. Deliver a white-glove service. Preempt their questions, keep your emails short and to the point, and send them regular updates. This is how you position yourself as a professional “consultant” rather than a “commodity” freelancer.
  • Step 5: Land A Paying Client. Leverage your Free Work into Paid Work by upselling to your existing client or getting a referral from your first client (as long as they are happy with the work, of course).

The path to creating a ghostwriting business that changes your life is relatively straight forward IF you remove the comforting lies all your “Onces” create.

So, which “Onces” will you kill today?

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